"Storytime" in blue with blue checkered background
Lapsit and Preschool Storytime are held each Tuesday morning at the Branch Library, Wednesday morning at the Main Library, and Thursday afternoon at the Main Library. All three programs for the week have the same content.

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Thinking of joining the library team?  If you are friendly, outgoing, and intrinsically solution-driven, employment at the library may be for you.  An important trait of all library employees is availability to work any library shift, including weekends.  Applications can be completed at any time, but please do not contact the library to follow up.  All applications will be filed for one year and taken into consideration when opportunities e

Friends of the Library

Friends of the Library logoThe Coshocton Friends of the Library help promote the library and literacy in our community. Library programs and events are made possible thanks to the generous support of the Friends, with funding coming from membership dues, operation of the Books Galore Book Store, and an annual sale and silent auction in August.

How Do I...?

Get a Library Card? You may apply for a library card in person at the Main Library in Coshocton, the West Lafayette Branch Library, or on the Bookmobile. A photo ID and proof of current address are needed. For minors, a legal parent/guardian must be present and show photo ID.